Help Your Kids Fight Acne — Before School Starts

acne Acne can be a big concern for kids and teenagers as they prepare for a new school year. Confidence is key to success, and clear skin plays a significant role.

Whether it’s a mild breakout or persistent acne, understanding how to treat this condition can make a huge difference. There are various options, from home remedies to professional treatments, provided by Georgia Dermatology Partners (GDP).

Learn how you can help your children start school feeling confident and ready to focus.

Treating Acne at Home

Can acne be treated at home? It depends on the person.

Conventional acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and niacinamide are often effective solutions. These ingredients are commonly found in commercial acne creams and facial cleansers. Other strategies include using witch hazel as a daily toner or applying a honey mask to help destroy acne-causing bacteria.

However, treating acne at home can be challenging, especially if it’s severe or persistent. If the situation doesn’t get better, seeking care from a qualified dermatologist is a good idea.

Professional Acne Treatments at GDP

Acne is a complex condition influenced by many factors.

Georgia Dermatology Partners (GDP) supports patients by developing individualized treatment plans. Those plans could include education about skincare, recommendations for medical-grade skincare products specifically for acne-prone skin, or even various laser treatments proven to reduce acne flare-ups and scarring.

Understanding the factors that impact each patient’s skin allows GDP to create a treatment plan that takes into account the biological and environmental factors contributing to each patient’s specific problems with acne.

Treating Acne Scarring

Acne scarring can be a bothersome reminder of past breakouts. Fortunately, several treatments focus on the type and severity of these scars.

Minor acne scarring might improve with topical medications or professional collagen-stimulating skin rejuvenation treatments. More pronounced scars could benefit from temporary improvement using dermal fillers or correction through a series of laser treatments. The goal is to repair scars, discolorations, or sun damage, giving the skin a smoother, healthier appearance.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Acne doesn’t have to be a constant battle. Whether you’re seeking home solutions or professional interventions, understanding the right course of action can pave the way to a future of smoother skin and greater self-confidence.

If your child is struggling with acne or acne scarring, don’t hesitate to reach out to Georgia Dermatology Partners. Their Snellville office provides personal clinical care tailored to the needs of those with acne. Contact them at 770.972.4845 to schedule a visit or schedule a consultation online.

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