Good news for men who didn’t hit the genetic jackpot
Men might pretend they’re better at coming to terms with how they’re aging, and maybe some are. But there are a lot of guys out there who have decided not to practice acceptance, and they’ve instead realized it’s time to follow their girlfriends’ lead – and the path is taking them straight to the wonder of Botox.
For men, this is a hot “new” trend
Every media outlet from the Internet to People Magazine to Men’s Health to the venerable New York Times is reporting that Botox, or more headline-friendly, “Brotox,” has quickly become the anti-aging treatment of choice for looks-conscious males.
Grooms-to-be are definitely part of this growing trend
Used to be, it was the bride who was thought of as the half of the couple who would be going to a lot of trouble to hone her appearance before the wedding. These days, many grooms are opting out of deep laugh lines before they walk down the aisle. Why should they let their crow’s feet ruin the wedding pics that will be posted all over social media? And all over the country, medical and aesthetic practices are offering packages designed to help men look their best for their weddings or other special occasions. The treatment options might include Botox along with mani/pedis, facials, even Kybella, the injection procedure that can get rid of fat underneath the chin.
Are you starting to feel the pressure?
Many men report that cosmetic procedures help them stay more vital in the workplace as well as the dating scene. Call Georgia Dermatology Partners at (770) 972-4845 to schedule your appointment today.