Not all rashes will be itchy, but a lot of rashes that are caused by a skin condition called dermatitis may be. If you have noticed that your skin is itching a lot, then try to apply a topical cream like hydrocortisone over the top to help calm it down.
One of the biggest signs of a skin rash is having bumps on your skin. Most of the time, the bumps on your skin will be visible to your eye, but sometimes they can only be felt by the touch. Typically, when a rash causes the bumps then you can see them. Other times, skin conditions like eczema can cause bumps on your skin that aren’t as visible but instead, are identified by the touch.
Redness and Swelling
Not every rash will be red, but if your skin is especially sensitive or if you have been scratching it a lot then you may experience both redness and swelling; both of which can be a bit obnoxious. If you take an antihistamine like Benadryl you can help both of them go down.
If you have a skin rash and aren’t sure what’s causing it, then schedule an appointment with Georgia Dermatology Partners and we will help get to the bottom of it. To learn more about rashes and other skin conditions, contact our Snellville office and call us at (770) 972-4845.
Posted in: Medical Dermatology