What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a skin condition causing itchy, inflamed, and cracked skin. It can be the result of one’s own genetics (atopic dermatitis) or caused by contact with outside irritants (contact dermatitis). Whether genetic or the result of immune response systems or environmental factors, eczema’s symptoms can include:
- Dry, red, cracked, and scaly skin.
- Oozing and broken open crusty skin.
- Thick patches.
- Rashes.
- Raw, sensitive skin from constant itching.
Although uncomfortable, eczema symptoms are treatable.
Effective Treatment Options for Eczema
While eczema doesn’t have a specific cure, there are several treatments that are effective in treating it, including:
- Moisturizing regularly.
- Steroid creams can reduce inflammation.
- Antihistamines are used to reduce itching, especially at night.
- Light therapy is used to treat moderate to severe eczema.
- Phototherapy uses ultraviolet (UV) light to reduce inflammation.
While some steroid creams may have potential side effects, other treatment options offer safe and effective relief.
Tips For Managing Your Eczema
Managing eczema effectively may require lifestyle changes to avoid aggravating symptoms. Here are several helpful suggestions for managing chronic eczema at home:
- Identify and avoid common triggers such as harsh soaps, dust mites, and stress.
- Take lukewarm showers, avoid excessively hot water, and replace strong soaps and personal hygiene products with milder formulas.
- Use gentle, fragrance-free skincare and cleaning products.
- Moisturize regularly to maintain a healthy skin barrier against dehydration.
By following these simple tips, you can reduce the frequency of outbreaks and make yourself more comfortable when they occur.
Eczema Can Be Managed
Although eczema is a chronic condition, you can successfully manage it with appropriate prevention tips and care. You should often consult with a qualified dermatologist to better understand and treat your eczema.
Here at Georgia Dermatology Partners, we have the answers and options to help you identify and treat the effects of eczema, with offices in five convenient locations in Georgia. To schedule a consultation, please call 770-972-4845 or schedule an appointment online. Get relief from your eczema symptoms by calling us today!