What causes eczema?
The specific cause of eczema remains unknown. However, dermatologists and scientist are working together to study this condition to provide more information to those who struggle with it. It is believed the genetics can play a role, as those who have it usually have a parent or other family member who has been diagnosed. Certain environments, such as living in an area that is colder or dryer, might also contribute. Regardless, it is important that patients know that the condition is not contagious, and you or your family members cannot “catch it” from anyone else.
How can I manage my eczema?
Patients diagnosed with eczema may find that flare-ups significantly impact their daily lives. Itchy skin can be relentless and keep individuals from focusing at school or work. It can result in bleeding skin, which increases a patient’s risk of infection. Many patients are advised by their dermatologist to manage their condition with these recommendations:
- Find what triggers your condition and avoid these triggers, if possible
- Keep the skin hydrated and moisturized with prescription-strength lotions and creams
- Ask your dermatologist about medications to reduce the severity of flareups, including topical and oral medications
- Avoid taking hot baths or showers, which can dry skin and contribute to dry, itchy skin
- Choose fragrance-free moisturizers that are thick to coat on the skin at night to keep moisture sealed in
Schedule time to speak to the team at Georgia Dermatology Partners
If you reside in Georgia and are interested in learning more about the management of eczema, call our main office number at (770) 972-4845 to request an appointment at one of our four convenient office locations.