Who can develop melasma?
At this time, the team at Georgia Dermatology Partners understands that there is no known risk factors that make patients at a higher chance of developing this condition. It can occur randomly and unexpectedly at any age, though most cases are seen in women during their second or third trimester of pregnancy. After giving birth, these women often see melasma resolve itself as their hormone levels rebalance.
Treatment options for melasma
Once the condition has been diagnosed by a medical professional during an evaluation, treatment options can be discussed. Many pregnant women who develop this condition will see it fade after childbirth, but other patients may want to seek treatment to address the discoloration that may make them feel embarrassed or self-conscious. Treatment options for melasma vary, and some treatments work better than others for certain patients. There is no “one size fits all” solution, but our team at Georgia dermatology Partners may encourage patients to consider:
- Daily sunblock use
- Hydroquinone
- Retinoids
- Azelaic acid
- Skin lighteners
- Antioxidants
- Laser therapies
- Chemical peels
During a visit with our team, we can make recommendations based on the severity of melasma to help reduce its appearance.
Discuss your melasma diagnosis and treatment with the team at Georgia Dermatology Partners
Our providers at Georgia Dermatology Partners are here to help patients with a variety of skin concerns, including melasma. If you are interested in learning more about this condition and ways to treat it, we encourage you to book an appointment at any one of our four locations by calling (770) 972-4845.
Posted in: MELASMA