
What Is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of digital communication technology, such as computers and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely to manage your health care. Our telehealth appointments are virtual appointments that enable the patient to see their doctor or nurse practitioner via online video conferencing. These appointments enable the patient to visit with their primary doctor when an in-person visit isn’t required or possible.

What Can I Expect From My Telehealth Appointment At Georgia Dermatology Partners?

During a telehealth appointment a patient can do the following:

  • Communicate with your doctor or a nurse.
  • Request prescription refills.
  • Review test results and summaries of previous visits.
  • Schedule appointments or request appointment reminders.

Prior to your visit, patients are required to log into the patient portal to update your medications, allergies, and your preferred pharmacy. To complete, click on the link to patient portal:

Important Patient Instructions:

  • If the skin issue is on the face, please do not apply any makeup.
  • If the condition affects your fingernails or toenails, please remove any nail polish before your appointment.
  • Please ask a family member to help you with holding your camera or device if there is an area that will be difficult for the physician to see.

Financial Policy

Our office will collect any copayments, deductibles and coinsurances required by your insurance prior to the telehealth visit.

Payment will be collected in advance from patients with no insurance.

Need to Cancel?

24-hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule. If you miss a second appointment without sufficient notice, you may be subject to no show/late cancellation fee, which is not covered by insurance.

How Can I Schedule A Telehealth Appointment?

Patients can request an appointment online at or call us at 770.972.4845.

Do I Need A Specific Device Or Application For A Telehealth Appointment?

Yes. The applications that we use your telehealth appointments are Zoom, FaceTime, or Skype

What Are The Benefits Of Telehealth Appointments?

  • No transportation time or costs
    When you see your doctor on your mobile device or computer, you can save money on gas, parking, and public transportation. Even better, you don’t waste time traveling or risk running into a traffic jam that makes you late for your appointment, or worse, late getting back to work.
  • No need to take time off of work
    Speaking of work, video visits largely remove the need to take time off. You can simply schedule your visit during a break, or before or after work. You can be anywhere that offers sufficient privacy. You can comply with your doctor’s follow-up instructions and maintain your health without missing a day of work or wasting your precious paid time off.
  • Eliminate child or elder care issues
    Many of us have the responsibility for caring for children or older adults. Finding alternative care so that you can see the doctor can be difficult and expensive. Bringing them along can be stressful or impractical. Fortunately, telemedicine solves this challenge by allowing you to see your doctor while upholding your family responsibilities.
  • Less Chance of Catching a New Illness
    Where can you be sure to find a lot of sick people? At the doctor’s office of course. While everyone does their best to prevent one patient from catching something from another, it is always possible, especially in crowded waiting rooms. By staying home, you get the care you need while avoiding the risk of exposure and the chance that you’ll pass your illness on to someone else.
  • Less Time in the Waiting Room
    If you choose a video visit via telemedicine technology, you’ll eliminate all that time spent looking at old magazines in a doctor’s office. Even if you don’t use telemedicine, choosing a practice that offers it will reduce your wait time by letting other patients be seen from home.

Contact Us

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.
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5 Convenient Locations

Monday to Friday – 7am-5pm
Saturday – 8am-12pm
Sunday – Closed


2383 Pate St
Snellville, GA 30078


117 Lee Byrd Rd
Loganville, GA 30052


1515 River Pl
Suite 300 and Suite 360
Braselton, GA 30517


3929 Peachtree Road
Suite 300
Brookhaven, GA 30319


1239 Friendship Road
Suite 100
Braselton, Georgia 30517

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